Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Obstacle Clinic

Today we had a obstacle clinic. And evry butty had a horse and was working their horse. So I thot I shod work Ginger today!

This is me and Ginger on the bridge. And Ginger is not afraid of it . the test is complete!!! YAY!!!!!

Mary was telling us safty about horses.

Mary is still telling us stuf about horses.

Here is me and ginger.

I put the flag on Ginger and she is not scared.

We got her to go throo the poles.

We went to the bloons now. At first she was a little scard but then she was not scard.

Next we went to the trash pit. I got Ginger to step on the trash.

I let ginger snif CowGirl and they liked to snif.

This is the end of the story. Good By evrybutty!!!


  1. Melanie,
    It looks like Ginger is pretty tame. Great job attending the clinic and having Ginger show all the other horses how to do the obstacles.
